
r3x29yz4a said:
Voyager was crap. It could've been great but they never had the balls to do it.
Every time an episode brought up an interesting character change or conflict it was forgotten by the next week and they spent loads of time in the first year talking about limited replicator and photon torpedo supplies but then forgot that too.

DS9 was the best because they had the nerve to put the characters into the war and tough situations instead of just having them fly by and preach like TOS and TNG did. Though TNG had a solid cast that knew how to sell the episodic formula weekly and TOS is a 60's acid trip on film.

Enterprise was a show I really wanted to like. I think they just were never sure what to do with it. They tried to not be Star Trek, then they tried a 9/11-themed arc but once they accepted being a prequel series and did the prequel arcs (year 4) it was decent but still too little too late.

Pretty damn spot on!