DS9 - The one with the group of " Enhanced Beings" who are screwed up as a result of the DNA splicing, which Dr Bashir had also had, but turned out normal.

The group predicts doom by a Dominoin invasion, and take drastic measures to be heard.

Next Generation : " We'll Always Have Paris." This one is pretty good, as a time distburnce which is centered on one man threatens many worlds.

" Conspiracy ", which was talked about recently. I do so love this one! Easily the best one from the first season...

Voyager : Ensign Kim gets caught in this world where the
dead are sent to an asteroid, where they are then supposed to go to the afterlife. A good one which makes one think about what one believes .. and how one must not let those beliefs be easily shaken.

Next, Voyager encounters a world where they have a transport that could put the ship and crew 40,000 light years closer to Earth. The people of that world are reluctant to share. Seeing as how the show lasted another 6 years, you already know the outcome. It was an ok episode. I taped both. Can't wait till we get to the second season, as this was where we started getting some of my fave stories.

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.