RKMBs crashes aside, it was a good Star Trek day!

On DS9, a VERY good episode : Quark, Rom, Nog, and other Ferengi attempt to trade a captured Dominion leader for Quark and Rom's mother.

Hilarity ensues as the Ferengi screw up continually!

I liked!

Next Generation :

" The Neutral Zone " - Frozen Earth people from 400 years ago are found in a cryogenics ship and revived; this is during a dangerous mission to the Neutral Zone.
The Romulans are back! But they really have poor taste in uniforms... they all look like they are wearing chair covers!

That was the FINAL episode of season one! Thank God!

Now, season two starts!

" The Child . " Well, it was ok, with the writer's strike going on in fall 1988, Roddenbury dug out old scripts from a failed project for the 70's called " Star Trek 2. "
No big deal. The second season is still trying to imitate TOS.

Enter : Dr Polaski. All I can say about her is, I am glad she only lasted ONE season. I missed Dr. Crusher that year. Not a Polaski fan...and did NOT like the attempt to resurrect the Spock - McCoy dynamics using Data and Dr. Polaski. At least Wesley got a better outfit this year, gone was his " Rainbow Boy " outfit.

Voyager : State of Flux - The one where Seska's secret is revealed...

Heroes And Demons : The Holo - Doc gets to go on a mission.. in the Holodeck. Nice episode. I like!

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.