Star Trek shows for January 10, 2007 :

DS9 - " Waltz. " This episode is a gem! An injured Sisko is stranded on a small planet with a deranged Dukat. Their ship crashed landed while Sisko was taking Dukat to stand trial for his crimes.

It's sorta like that awesome movie starring Dennis Quaid and Louis Gossett, Jr. - " Enemy, Mine. "

Except that Dukat and Sisko didn't become friends.

Sisko is a terrific character played by Shakespearan actor, Avery Brooks. Dukat is played by Marc Alaimo, who is a very good actor.

The two played off of each other quite well.

Yes, the last few seasons of DS9 were awesome.

Star Trek : The Next Generation :

" Where Silence Has Lease " - It was okay. Wesley Crusher discovers a strange part of space. The Enterprise gets pulled into it. There they meet an intergalactic creature called " Nagillum". It was called that because it was supposed to be voiced by the late, great actor Richard Mulligan.

I would have enjoyed Mulligan voicing the creature.

The episode was okay. I'm sure many would have preferred it if Wesley had been at the helm when Nagillum killed Haskell. That woulda been bye bye Wesley!

Next :

" Elementary, Dear Data. " This one was okay, too. Not the best, but certainly not the worst. Geordi creates an adversary on the holodeck to defeat Data in a Sherlock Holmes holo - scenario.

Professor Moriarity is given awareness. He is the template for the Holo - Doctor on Voyager.

Star Trek : Voyager -

" Cathexix " - Blah blah blah, crew is taken over by an entity that can leap from host body to host body and do what it needs to do to accomplish it's agenda.

Didn't we see this on Next Generation? " Lonely Among Us. " It's like Deja Vu all over again!

" Faces " - Yes, it was kinda cool seeing B'Elanna seperated into an all human B'Elanna and an all Klingon B'Elanna. This episode was pretty good, but I liked " Tuvix " better... it covered the other end of the spectrum : two seperate beings, merged into one.

End of report!

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.