
Karl Hungus said:

Beardguy57 said:
" Beyond The Stars "

great episode. i liked how DS9 had such a diverse class both in terms of the actor's ethnicity and the character's various races.
This episode is well done and very honest (and sad at the end)

Yes.. it was a very sad ending. Bennie Russell got screwed over.. He was not allowed to get a story about a black space Captain published, simply because he was a black man living at a time before the civil rights movement. .. before a black writer was truly accepted in the general public, and before black main characters like Captain Benjamin Sisko could have ever been much more than a dream....

Avery Brooks is a superb actor! He was splendid in that episode, and many others, too. He has most likely experienced prejudiced in his lifetime. He was able to draw on that and thus made Bennie Russell so fucking real to me....

This, and the Next Gen. ep, " The Offspring ", are the only two Star Trek episodes that made me shed a tear.

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.