I like those Next Gen eps. Darmok and Inner Light moved me, too!

Voyager :

" The 37's " - Finally into the somewhat better second season, as this one tackles the mystery of " Whatever happened to Amelia Earhart? "

It was pretty decent, actually. One good, moving scene at the end, too.

" Initiation " - Chakotay does a rememberance ceremony on a shuttle for his father - He is attacked, saves a young kazon played by Aron Eisenberg, who played Nog on DS9...and the Kazon capture him.

It is a good episode about honor, sort of.

" Basics " is my fave Kazon ep, and it's a 2 parter, to boot!

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.