Voyager :

Paris travels at Warp 10 in a shuttle. He mutates. He clobbers Janeway and takes her at warp 10 in the shuttle.
She mutates. They go to an unihabited planet and make fuck. There are babies.

Crew finds them and changes 'em back. Whoopee!

The next episode is better.. Brad Dourif guest stars. You might remember him from such films as all the Child's Play movies. He voiced Chucky.

His Character, Suder, is mentioned in my signature.

Suder likes to kill. He kills a crewman. Tuvok proposes a mind - meld, which goes awry due to Suder's being at least half Betazoid.

Suder gains peace of mind, at least temporarily, but Tuvok experiences intense anger.

He takes himself off active duty. He erects a force field around his room. Janeway arranges to have him sedated and transported to sickbay, where the Doctor uses a device that removes Tuvok's supession of his emotions for minutes at a time, to help him regain control.

Tuvok escapes and nearly kills Suder, but stops himself.

At episodes' end, he is enroute to a complete recovery.

This was a VERY good episode. It explores the Vulcan mind. Dourif was terrific as Suder.

He will appear another time or two.

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.