Captain SWeden : I believe there are 26 first season episodes for Next Gen.

Today : DS9 - " The Reckoning " - This was a superb episode, where Sisko is taken to a relic on Bajor. He has a vision and faints. This prompts him to take the relic to DS9 for analysis.

Kai Winn objects strongly, but this is due to jealousy on her part because the Prophets will not speak to her.

Sisko smashes the relic in frustration, though he admits later to Dax that he felt the Prophets wanted him to do so.

A red and a blue energy were both released; these turn out to be a Prophet and a Pa Wraith, who later take over Kira and Jake Sisko's bodies.. Jake has the evil Pa Wraith inside him, and Kira, the Prophet.

A battle ensues, just as the station is being evacuated.

A way to use chronoton energy to make the spirits leave their host bodies is set up, but Sisko wants to let the battle play out.. he is willing to sacrifice his own son for his beliefs, a decision he did not make lightly.

Kai Winn goes and activates the Chronoton energy, which forces the spirits out of Kira and Jake.

At episodes' end, Sisko is talking with Jake in sickbay.

This was a superb episode about one's faith. I fucking loved it!

Next Gen : " Shades Of Gray " Riker gets poked by an alien thorn which is paralyzing him. They show clips from previous episodes. Boring boring boring. It would even bore Waybe Boring!

" Evolution " At last!! We are into the third season of Next Generation! This is where the show improved dramatically!

New gaberdeen uniforms replaced the skin tight deals the cast had to endure for the first two seasons. They had admitted those uniforms had been tight and uncomfortable.

Data behaved more like an android and less like Pincochio. He was not anxious to imitate humans, or be like them. He moved his head in a mechanical fashion.

Worf's character is delved into more than ever before. We get to fionally see the Klingon homeworld! We learn that Worf has a brother.

Friendships evolve.

Troi, Worf, Geordi, Dr. Crusher, Data, Riker, Picard.. they are all spotlighted and grow as characters.

The trend of excellent shows began with the third season, and would continue through the next four seasons.

We would get : The Most Toys, The Offspring, The Survivors, Who Watches The Watchers, Best Of Both Worlds part 1, Sarek, Menage a Troi, Deja Q, Tin Man, Hollow Pursuits, The Bonding, Booby Trap, The Enemy,
The High Ground, The Ensigns Of Command, and Yesterday's Enterprise, which are ALL excellent episodes!

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.