
Beardguy57 said:

" Deathwish " - This was a great one! A Q is beamed aboard Voyager when Voyager is curious about the contents hidden in a comet.

He wants to die, but all his attempts to use his power to do so inevitibly fail.

Q played by John DeLancie guest stars. He tries to dissuade Q from wanting to die.

Tuvok is the suicidal Q's lawyer; if Q wins his case, he will be granted mortality, and thus, the right to die. Janeway is the judge.

Q takes Q, Janeway and Tuvok to the continuum, which looks like a single house on a long, lonely stretch of desert highway. Q points out how the Continum offers no stimulation; no one talks as everyone there has already seen and done it all!

Q tries to bribe Janeway : Rule against the right to die, and he'll send Voyager back to Earth!

Jonathan Frakes guest stars. It is good to see Commander Riker again!

This is a great episode in that it discusses the right to die by suicide, which the Vulcans believe in when an individual is terminally ill.

I hated this episode.