DS 9 was cool. It was a take off on Illyana Rasputin's life; that is, Molly, daughter of Kieko and Miles O'Brien was with her parents on a picnic on a planet. She walks through a small dimensional portal... and reappears through it... at least a decade or more older!

Unlike Illyana, Molly had not learned the dark arts... or anything at all..her older self barely spoke at all.. she had been alone for many years in a cave!

She is out of time. She is Molly, but not the Molly they once knew. Kieko and Miles are understandably upset.

She goes back through the portal... encourages her younger slef who has only been there for a few days to go through it again.. and all is well.

A very good episode.

Next Generation : " Booby Trap " - a great one! The Enterprise is trapped in a minefield which is the debris from an interplanetary war. There are asceston assimilators in many of the larger debris... they drain the Enterprise, which was there visiting a ship that had been trapped in the same trap 1,000 years ago.

Many huge boulders contain radiation producing machines.. which slowly killed the ship's crew.

The same machines will kill the Enterprise crew in 26 minutes.. after their shields are drained of power.

Geordi meets a holo version of a beautiful woman propulsion expert named Lea Brahms. He enlists her aid in figuring out a way to escape the deadly debris field. He falls in love with her in the process. She advocates giving the ship's computer control to get out... but..

Picard figures out that the only way to get out is to use just enough impulse power .. engines on for a few seconds, then off again..to glide through, and using a large aasteroid's gravity, to gain enough monentum to escape.

Nicely done!

Next : " The Enemy " - Geordi, while on the surface of a very stormy planet with Riker and Worf, while investigating the wreckage of a small Romulan craft, is left behind.

He falls into a deep pit. Unharmed, he uses his phaser to cut a metal pic out of some elements he sees with his visor.

He climbs out and sees that Wesley Crusher has sent down a probe which emits a stationary nuetrino pulse. All Geordi has to do is go to it, and modify the pulse, letting the Enterprise know he is there and can thus be beamed aboard. Another Romulan survivor on the planet, who is ill from the planet's deadly environment clobbers Geordi from behind, takes his weapons and drags him to a cave.

A Rolulan survivor who was badly injured was beamed aboard Enterprise,.. Worf could help him with his bone marrow, but his hatred of Romulans ( From them killing his parents at Kitomer ) prevents him from doing so.. and the Romulan dies.. and Romulan Commander Tomalak is on his way to pick up the survivor!

Geordi finally convinces the ailing Romulan to let him go to the nuetrino pulse to modify it when his visor cuts out...
the stormy atmosphere is bad for lifeforms!

With the Romulan warbird approaching, Picard braces for an incident that could lead to a war between The Romulans and the Federation.

There is a window of opportunity to beam Geordi back up.. and it is coming in a very few minutes.

Geordi, though he is now blind, is able to instruct the Romulan on how to connect the visor to his tricorder to get it to become a " Nuetrino gieger counter. "

The two find the probe and alter the nuetrino pulse.

Picard is now confronting the Romulan warbird; Tomalak knows his man is dead, ceases communications, and powers up disruptors.

Wesley reports that the nuetrino beacon is now modulating; the window to beam Geordi up will close in minutes.

Picard messages the Warbird of his intentions. He drops shields and beams up Geordi and the Romulan.

Tomalak answers, and beams the crewman aboard. The two ships depart the Neutral Zone.

A great episode!

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.