" The Defector " and " The Hunted " were on Spike today.

" The Defector " is very good, especially the last 10 minutes. A Romulan Commander defects to the Enterprise and leads them on to chasing an untamed ornithoid without cause, due to his having been giving misinformation by his superiors, most likely as a test of his dubious loyalty.

" The Hunted " is a heavy handed metaphor for the vets who served in Vietnam. Vets from a planet that is applying for membership to the Federation have been chemically and psychologically altered to be stronger, faster, and better than the average man don't like being contained on a moon in a sort of penal colony. Several escape and one finds his way on board Enterprise.

It is meant to discuss how Vietnam vets are not being treated well in many ways, that is, forgotten by the country they had fought to protect.

It was okay.

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.