Am very tired so will make this brief :

DS 9 : Garak has claustrophobia, and Ezri Dax is all emo because she doesn't feel she has what it takes to be on DS9.

By episodes' end, Dax decides she will stay and she finds out why Garak is having problems.

It was a good one, but I am waiting for " Take Me Out To The Holo- Suite", one of my faves!

Next Generation :

" The Offspring " and " Sins Of The Father. "

These are both excellent episodes!

Voyager : Both episodes were good. In the first, B'Elanna is having bad dreams while a race of telepathic aliens is on Voyager.. it seems a mass extermination was being covered up on her planet. B'Elanna tells the aliens who deny it; one belives her only after a mind link with B'Elanna.

Second one - Kes gets messed up by an alien temple. Janeway volunteers to go through a ritual in the hopes she will learn what is needed to help Kes.

She does all manner of strange things, from drawing to getting bitten by a creature.

Finally, she realizes that faith will enable her to save Kes.. and so, she takes Kes through the Temple, and Kes is all better.

I like the part about faith very much.

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.