I did see today's episode... a VERY good one!

Nog isolates himself in the holodeck, with that night club program running 26 hours a day.

I forget the name of the holo - singer, he finally kick Nog out of the holo - program after Nog picks a fight with Jake Sisko, his best friend while the singer is in the middle of a performance.

Nog gets the singer back, who then tells Nog he just can't come back and stay...and Nog then confesses that he's frightened of going back to active duty... where he might be hurt again... or killed.

Nog decides to confront his fear and is soon back to active duty, albiet only a few hoursa day at first.

EXCELLENT episode!

Next Generation : " Suddenly Human " was on, but I missed most of it.. I really don't care for the episode.

"Remember Me " - This is one of my favorites from season Four. Dr. Crusher is on the Enterprise, and crew members keep disappearing.

She soon realizes it is due to her being trapped in Wesley's experiment - a static warp bubble.

Wesley enlists the aid of the Traveler, who makes his second of what is to be 3 appearances in the series.

Dr. Crusher is saved by Wesley, who again proves that there is much more to him than previously thought.

Excellent episode!

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.