" Rise " - this is in the Voyager top twenty best episodes.

A planet faces a meteor bombardment. Voyager tries to help but the meteors are ultra dense and do not shatter completely, even after being hit with a photon torpedo.

Tuvok and Neelix go down to help evacuate survivors - They get 4 people into an elevator that rises on a many mile high teather, capable of rising over the planet's ionsphere, which is what is keeping Voyager from beaming them to safety.

Tuvok keeps riding Neelix, being sarcastic and all, and then, when one of the 4 passengers with them dies from a poisonous substance in his drinking water, Neelix hears the man as he is dying say that there is something on the roof of the elevator that he needs.. on a hunch, he asks Tuvok to stop the elevator... Tuvok says NO... so, since Neelix is the only one who knows how to operate the elevator, he stops it... Tuvok finally agrees to go up on top and investigate.. he finds tactical info on an enemy space ship..the ship that is causing the meteors to hit the planet on purpose.

The bad guy.. an ambassador..who is really a spy.. goes on top of the elevator and knocks Tuvok, who is waek from the very thin atmosphere off it...

He goes back in and knocks Neelix off a ladder as he is trying to rescue Tuvok; Neelix is unconscious and badly hurt.

Neelix comes to and manages to open the airlock, allowing Tuvok to re - enter. A fight ensues; the spy is kocked towards the open hatch and sucked out back onto the planet.... several miles below!

Voyager is able to beam the survivors onto the ship, Neelix is healed.

Tuvok later thanks Neelix for saving him, and they have an argument, albiet a friendly one.

This is an excellent episode.

The one after : " Favorite Son. "

Ensign Kim is tricked into believing he is actually from a planet the ship encounters. It is really a trick to get his life essence and dna so that the all woman race can breed.

This one was so bad, it would have been bad if it was a sci fi movie released in 1953!

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.