Yes, Karl.. Dr. Crusher taught Data to dance in " Data's Day."

DS-9 - " Chimera "

O'Brien and Odo encounter a changeling.. one of " The Hundred " sent out across the galaxy by the Founders, a race of changelings.

His name is Laas, and he kills a Klingon in self defense.
Sisko puts him in the brig to await extradition. Kiera helps Laas to escape, and she and Odo talk about how Odo should go after Laas.. and never come back, as she senses Odo is unhappy with how Laas was treated. She tells Odo to go because she loves him enough to let him go... something which Laas does not understand.

Odo finds Laas and does not go away with him. Odo returns to DS9.. and to Keira.

Very good episode!

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.