
Beardguy57 said:
Yes, Karl.. Dr. Crusher taught Data to dance in " Data's Day."

One of my favorite Data scenes. I love how Spiner would do Data's body language. Always robotic, but emulating humans. Not an easy task for an actor, but he really pulled it off.


DS-9 - " Chimera "

I enjoyed this episode but not when it first aired. Because then there was all the tension of the final arcs and how things were going to wrap up and this episode was basically filler that really frustrated me. Rewatching it, I rather enjoy it (knowing that Bada-Bing, Bada-Bang and the 10 part finale is coming).
A bit of trivia, the actor who played Laas was the same guy who played Martok. DS9 (and other Trek shows) would call back actors who got on well with the main cast to play different characters and with all the make up it can be hard to tell (Weyoun and the Ferengi Brunt were also the same actor).

Bow ties are coool.