Thanks, Karl. I did not know that was the actor who played Martok!

As for Weyoun being Brunt, that is a surprise, too!

Next Generation : " The Wounded " and " Devil's Due."

In " The Wounded ", we meet the Cardassians for the very first time. Marc Alaimo, who played Dukat in DS9 was Gomer Set (spell? ) in this one. A starfleet captain is continuing the war against the Cardassians, killing them off, ship by ship. He has hated them for so long, he just cannot let go of the hate.

O'brien beams over and talks to him, getting him to surrender.

Very good episode!

" Devil's Due " Meh. A woman comes to a planet, prentending to be thier Goddess.

Right Now : Star Trek : Votager - " Scorpion - prts 1 & 2. "

This is :

Where we see the Borg ( for the second time - " Unity " was the first, which was on several episodes ago. ) and how they are being massacred by Species 8472, a bio - organic oriented species who are telepathic and dangerous. It was actually the Borg who attacked them, not vice versa, though Janeway and crew don't know this till later. Kes keeps seeing events before they happen, and senses the feelings and thoughts of Species 8472.

Janeway proposes an alliance with the Borg, after the Holo - Dr. figures out a way to cure Harry of a Species 8472 infection from a blow to the chest by one of them. The Borg agree for the time being, albiet reluctantly.

Janeway is injured and Chakotay, who agreed to her plan though reluctantly, follows a plan of his own : Ending the alliance.

All but one of the Borg on Voyager - There are several who were rescued from an exploding Borg cube ( Which Janeway and Tuvok were on. ) after an attack by Species 8472 - resist, and are flushed out into space.. except one : Seven Of Nine, who is kept on board, and her link to the collective is severed.

Janeway recovers, and is pissed at Chakotay, and then she finds a way to take Voyager into Fluidic Space, home of Species 8472.. and destroys several of their ships before they agree to leave the Delta Quadrant.

Seven Of Nine is kept on board, and must deal with her new found individuality.

This is just about the BEST Voyager episode, peroid, and it is one of the best two parters, along with " Year Of Hell " and " Basics. "

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.