Voyager :

" Day Of Honor "

While Seven of Nine struggles with her humanity, Captain Janeway tries to help a group of aliens whose species was almost entirely assimilated by the Borg. Meanwhile, the Klingon "Day of Honour" turns into a string of bad luck for B'Elanna.

This is pretty good. Tom and B'Elana are stuck in space with a rapidly dwindling air supply. They had gone after the warp core in a shuttle, after havimg had to eject it after a failed attempt to open a trans - warp conduit.

Voyager is almost helpless against an alien attack, when 7 of 9 comes up with a solution that avoids the ship being damaged or destroyed.

It is also a Klingon " Day of Honor ", so B'Elana tells Tom that she loves him.

Excellent episode!

" Nemesis "

Chakotay is stranded on a planet where two races are trying to wipe each other out in a massive, planet-wide war.

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.