Next Generation was good today...

"New Ground " Alexander, Worf's son comes to live with Worf on Enterprise. Kid causes trouble. It was an ok episode.

"Hero Worship" - Data rescues a kid on a wrecked Federation science ship. This is a VERY cute episode. The kid starts acting like Data, pretending to be an android like Data.

In one scene, Dr. Crusher is examining the kid in sickbay.
She uses terms to describe Data if it were he that she was examining... when she turns to the boy and says," All systems functioning within established parameters.",both Data and the boy look at each other,then look at the Doctor and Say,"Thank you,Doctor. " in unison. I always laugh at that scene!

Voyager : the episode first on was excellent! 7 of 9 had to run the ship all by herself when the ship enters a nebula which is harmful to the crew physically. She is immune, but suffers from hallucinations.Ship's systems start to fail, and so she must reroute and stay contantly vigilant. The Dr. is unable to remain activated after trouble with EPS conduits happens.

7 saves the crew when the engines are able to failonly minutes before the ship is out of the nebula.


The Voyager ep after that was kinda dumb.

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.