Next Gen - I only saw part of the one where Troi, Data and O'Brien were taken over by aliens. Yawn.

Voyager - First one was about a place where Species 8472 had used something to morph themselves into human appearance. They planned to invade Earth. Chakotay infiltrated the place,and then Janeway managed to make peace with Species 8472. Kinda dumb but ok.

Second Voyager - "Once Upon a Time "... one of my favorite episodes.

Neelix is caring for Naomi Wildman while her mother is on an away mission. When the Delta Flyer is forced to make an emergency landing, and it isn't known whether Tuvok, Paris, or Ensign Wildman survived, Neelix struggles with how to shelter Naomi from the bad news.

The holo program Naomi Wildman had activated was cute.

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.