I opted for a much needed nap while Next Generation was on...

Don't care much for the two that were on :


Lt. Barclay's fear of using transporters is eerily justified when he sees bizarre aliens within the transporter beam.


Deanna becomes attracted to an alien ambassador. Shortly thereafter, she starts aging rapidly and becoming violent.

These two are boring boring boring!


Voyager becomes trapped in an area of "chaotic space", where the laws of physics are in constant flux. Meanwhile, Chakotay suffers from hallucinations related to his holodeck boxing program. Although he is afraid he is losing his mind, Chakotay's hallucinations may be Voyager's only hope of learning how to escape from chaotic space.

This one was fair. Ray Walston guest starred in this one as Chakotay's manager. It is the last time he appears in Voyager.


Voyager is ambushed by a race known as the Hazari with no way of escape. Soon, an alien 'Think Tank' arrives with an answer to the ship's problem and all they ask in return is Seven of Nine.

This episode was pretty good! I loved how Janeway turned things around on the Think Tank. Jason Alexander from Seinfeld guest stars as the main baddie. He was rather convincing as a devious asshole.

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.