VOYAGER : Well, SPIKE Tv quit showing MQC or whatever the fuck that stupid show was... but, now?They are showing police videos all day Fridays.....

The ONE Voyager episode that was on today was EXCELLENT!

It was called JUGGERNAUT.

After encountering a damaged Malon freighter, a repair crew from Voyager tries to contain a toxic chemical leak that threatens a nearby inhabited planet. Before they embark on the mission, two crewmen from the ship warn them about the 'Angel of Decay' that wreaks havoc on board the ship.

BE'Lanna is trying to learn to control her temper. While aboard the Malon freighter, along with Neelix, Chakotay, and the two Malon crewmen, they encounter a "Monster ",
which is in reality a Malon crewman who is very radioactive.

B'ELanna does manage to control her temper long enough to stop the freighter from exploding untilit can be manuevered into a nearby star.

You know how when you are very engrossed in a show, which is done very well and it moves fast because it is directed and acted superbly? THIS is one of those episodes. It flew by! Glad I am taping them all. I was in a semi crappy mood before it came on,and now my mood is much improved.

No Star Trek until Monday, and then, Enterprise will be on Sci - Fi channel from 7 to 11 pm EST.

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.