Sorry, Jaburg, I have not seen any of the remastered TOS eps.

I DID see :


True Q

A young intern visiting the Enterprise captures the interest of Q when she starts displaying Q-like powers.

This one is pretty good. It really WOULD be an enormous responsibility if one had Q powers. Along with great power comes great responsibility.


A transporter accident transforms Picard, Ro Laren, Guinan and Keiko O'Brien into small children who appear to be about 12 years old. Matters become complicated when the Ferengi seize the Enterprise.

Now,I don't care at all for kids, but this one was cute. I like it. It would have been funny if the bridge crew had all been turned into kids.

Kid Picard : " Ensign Crusher... warp 7 to the Geurnica system....Make it so!"

Ensign Crusher : " Not right now, I gotta go potty!"

Little Riker : " Ro put a whoopee cushion on my seat!"

Ro the brat : " You're a rat, Riker!"



When Voyager is destroyed, Captain Braxton of the 29th Century Timeship Relativity contacts Seven of Nine to travel back in time and discover who planted the 'temporal disruptor.' However, she must do this without being discovered by the past Janeway.

I do like time travel episodes. This one was pretty good, especially after Janeway gets recruited to help fix the timelime. She was pretty funny.


After Kim beams an alien missile onboard Voyager it links up to the Doctor's systems and requests that it is allowed to complete its mission of mass destruction.

Okay,I have made it very clear that I don't like episodes where a crew man is taken over by an alien lifeform,but this one was very good. Robert Picardo did an excellent job of acting when he had to act as though the alien.. an intelligent missle.. had taken over his program. The ending was kind of sad when this missle blew upall the other missles like it that had found it, but it died a hero by exploding them all far away from any life.

Ensign Kim shined in this one, though he screwed up by taking the missle onto Voyager, he did get it realize that it had gotten a signal to stop.. that the war was over and it need not kill any people. Yeah, I like this one.

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.