DS - 9:

Was excellent today.


After Sisko agrees to show Opaka the wormhole, they receive some strange signals while on the Gamma Quadrant side. Investigating, the shuttlecraft is attacked by a satelite and crash lands on a moon. In the crash Opaka dies and Sisko, Kira, and Bashir find that they are stranded on a war-torn prison colony where it is impossible for the combatants to die.

Opaka comes back to life. Bashir discovers that it is microbes native to the moon bring the dead back to life.

Opaka and all the people there would die if they were removed.

Opaka realizes it is her destiny to stay when O'Brien and Dax come to rescue them, so she stays to become a spiritual advisor.

This episode was well done. Great script and superb acting! The show is beginning to find it's voice here.



You know this one: Picard :"There.... are..four ... lights!"

Great two parter. Focus is on Picard as a prisoner of the Cardassians.

Picard is pulled from his post as captain of the Enterprise to lead a top-secret espionage mission into Cardassia with Worf and Dr. Crusher.
Picard is captured and tortured by the Cardassians, while Riker tries to prevent a Federation attack on Cardassia.



While Voyager is docked at a space station, Seven of Nine is approached by three former Borg drones from her former unimatrix, who, despite being free from the Collective, are neurally linked to each other. Tracing the origin of this link to an accident eight years before, in which they and Seven were the only survivors, the three former drones believe Seven is the only one who can help them sever the link and achieve true individuality.

Only problem is, severing the link will kill the three ex Borg within a month.They choose a month of being individuals over a lifetime of being " Nothing "as they call it, as none of them knows where they end and the others begin.... they can hear each other's thoughts...

After 7 of 9 volunteers to link upwith the other 3, they are able to figure out how and why they became linked to each other...

The three were assimulated as adults... they had years of memories of being human and being individuals... 7 was assimulated at age 7... all she could recall was being a frightened child.. when the group bean to become individuals after seperation from the link,7 freaked and linked them back up as a mini collective...
but upon the three returning to the Borg, they heard the Borg collective in their heads.. and the three of them, as well.

The three are angry at 7...with good reason. They began to become individuals again.. and she took it all away from them.

7 and the Dr discuss what to do. They decide to grant the
three ex drones individuality. The Dr does not want to do this at first, citing that it will soon kill them, until 7 reminds the Dr how both he and her have in comon the fact that they became individuals... more than what they originally were.

One of the three forgives 7.... another cannot, but understands why she did what she did.

A VERY powerful episode... and one of VOYAGER'S best!


During a near-death experience, B'Elanna finds herself aboard the Klingon Death Barge, a spectral vessel which transports dishonoured souls to Grethnor. After seeing her mother there, B'Elanna risks her life to go back and save her mother's soul from this fate, even at the cost of her own.

BE'lanna takes her mother's place to go to Grethnor, so that her Mom can go to the GOOD place... Stovacor.

This is a great BE'lanna episode. She begins to learn to stop hating being a Klingon. It is a small step she takes when, confronted by spirit forms of her VOYAGER crew mates, they help her to realize that her anger is really at herself.

This .. and SURVIVAL INSTINCT... are why I watch VOYAGER.

The episodes today were about guilt, self hate, love, and giving others what they truly want.

How much more human .. and real...can ya get?

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.