Alice -

Tom Paris persuades Chakotay to allow him to buy a shuttle from a junkyard. While repairing it, the shuttle, named 'Alice', begins to gain control over Tom's mind.

This episode was stupid! It was a take off on the book - movie by Stephen King called " Christine."

Riddles -

Tuvok is attacked by an energy source, which leaves him exposed and vulnerable. He soon starts experiencing emotions he never had before.

This one was pretty good. Just before he is to have his mind put back to the way it was before, Tuvok asks Neelix, " But without emotions, how will you know that I like you? "

Neelix : " You just did. And I will know."

It was fun seeing Tuvok have emotions, if only for a little while.. and only for a little while. I like him as he normally is.... Vulcan.

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.