Okay, I see where I screwed up! I went to later in the third season in the Enterprise episode guide... Northstar ought to be the first of the four episodes on next Monday night...



Kira discovers that a Cardassian visiting the station could actually be a notorious war criminal. However all is not as it seems when information supplied by Gul Dukat reveals that the Cardassian they are holding cannot be who he claims to be.

Kira is so sure that this is the man who had killed millions... until irrefutable evidence is found to indicate that this man had his face altered to resemble the war criminal... the man broke down and told Kira he was actually the criminals' filing clerk.. and how he was deeply troubled by hearing the screams of the man who had tortured them.

The real criminal had died 6 years ago. This man , the ex fling clerk had wanted to confess and be excuted for his crimes to both atone for his guilt at not being able to stop the killing, and to make an example of the criminal.

As the man is set free and beinf escorted by Kira, an angry Bajoran stabs the man aznd he dies.

This one is excellent!



Borg children who were rejected by the Borg as unworthy drones abduct Chakotay, Kim, Neelix and Paris.

Seven beams aboard to negotiate with the Borg kids, whowant Voyager's Deflector array. Without it,Voyager cannot go to warp or travel at all.

Janeway meets with the Kid Borgs, and finds that they are led by an unstable and unsure leader.

Icheb, the next oldest male takes over after the Borg leader ( Their are only 7 kids, and one is a newborn baby,
and the baby is never seen or mentioned after this episode. ) dies while trying to fight Voyager.

Icheb cooperates with Janeway. They aboandon the Borg cube. The five children are de - Borged, as Seven had been.

This one was terrific!

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.