In the Hands of the Prophets

An ambitious and unscrupulous Bajoran spititual leader (Vedek Wynn) comes to the station and objects to Keiko's secular teachings. The situation rapidly escalates, and could even destroy the alliance between Bajor and the Federation. Can Keiko keep running the school?

This is a great episode. I watched it as I taped it this morning.

The school gets blown up. Luckily, no one was in it at the time.

Chief O'Brien has a new Bajoran assistant girl. We later find out that she is working secretly for Vedek Wynn, who conspires to have a Bajoran monk killed. O'Brien figures things out and warns Sisko, who is able to stop the girl before she can kill the monk.

Kira knows it is Vedek Wynn who was behind this, but cannot prove it.

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.