" Fury "

Kes returns to Voyager in a state of rage, blaming Captain Janeway for taking her away from her homeworld when she was too young. Using telekinetic powers in a fit of revenge, she travels through time to deliver the crew to the Vidiians and "save" her younger self.

Thsi one gave me a bit of a problem. Kes turned into an energy form and diasppeared into a higher realm of conscioussness in " The Gift" , second episode, 4 th season. Now she's back in human form and pissed off at Janeway and Voyager for abandoning her.

In "Transfigurations", Next Generation 3 rd season episode, a man mutates into a powerful energy being and leaves Enterprise to tell all his people what a joyful destiny awaits them all.

Kes says she hated where she was, and that she could not control her abilities.

Maybe she was the first of her race to make such s a transition, and had no one else there for support?

Maybe she was just bad at being a higher form of life?

I don't know..

"Life Line "

News reaches Voyager through the up-and-running Pathfinder project that the Doctor's creator, Lewis Zimmerman, is critically ill. In an attempt to save his life, the Doctor's program is transmitted to the Alpha Quadrant, but once there, he finds Zimmerman does not want to be examined by an 'obsolete' EMH program.

Counselor Troi and Barclay guest star in this one, as these two have to be clever and think up a plan to make Zimmerman allow The Doctor to operate on and save him.

The two argue! It's fun!

Barclay sabotages the Doc's program; Zimmerman repairs it and is about to change the Doctor dramatically - ie; make him friendlier, more outgoing.. when the Doc convinces him that he is fine the way he is.

It is more like a relationship between father and son!

The Doctor is finally able to save Zimmerman,after he tells the man that he will make him proud of him.. if he'll only give him the chance.

Zimmerman needs more treatments, but will live.

This episode is EXCELLENT!


" North Star "

Archer, Trip and T'Pol head down to a planet where humans are living in a wild west-like society. Archer learns that aliens named Skagarans brought humans from three hundred years ago there for slave labor, but the humans resisted and turned the tables on them. Now the humans' descendants are in charge and the Skagarans are forced to endure prejudice and unfair laws. The crew have to decide what to do with the humans and the prejudice will lead to a showdown.

This one rocked!

" Similitude "

Something goes wrong during an attempt to improve the warp engines, causing Trip to be severely injured and leaving Enterprise crippled in a dangerous polaric field. Archer allows Phlox to create a simbiot of Trip, which will only live for fifteen days and provide neural tissue needed for a vital transplant. The simbiot is named Sim and, aging years in a matter of days, actually thinks of a plan to free Enterprise from the field. However, a difficult decision must be made after it's learned Sim will be prematurely killed by the transplant, even though there is a chance to exceed his lifespan.

This is the first time that we see a photon torpedo casing be used as a coffin and the body of a deceased crew member being shot out into space.

This episode was chosen as the Viewer's Choice 3rd Best Enterprise episode. So it was reaired on March 25, 2005.

Sim: It's not that I'm scared of dyin', It's just that, I can't imagine not bein' here tomorrow.
(Sim goes to leave, but turns and stops)
Sim: Ya wanna know what really stopped me? (from leaving on the shuttlepod)
Archer: What?
Sim: My sister... And she was my sister as much as Trip's.
Archer: I believe that.
Sim: I don't want what happened to her to happen to anyone else.
Archer: That's why I gave the order to create you.
Sim: Do me a favor when this is over. If Commander Tucker decides to do any more modifications to the engines, tell him to watch his ass.

Archer: I don't have to tell you what's at stake. I must complete this mission and to do that I need Trip. Trip! I'll take whatever steps necessary to save him.
Sim: Even if it means killing me?
Archer: Even if it means killing you.
Sim: You're not a murderer.
Archer: Don't make me one.

T'Pol: Symbiotes are living, conscious entities. We'll be growing a sentient being for the sole purpose of harvesting tissue.
Archer: I'm aware of the ethical implications. If we weren't in the Expanse, maybe my decision would be different, but... we've got to complete this mission. Earth needs Enterprise. Enterprise needs Trip. It's as simple as that.

Archer: The most difficult test facing any captain, any crew, is the loss of a shipmate. We've come here to honor one of our own. In the time we knew him, he showed us just how much one life can truly matter. We will never forget what he did for us and for the ship he loved so much. We will go forward with renewed determination to complete this mission, so that his sacrifice won't just have been for the people on this ship, but for all the citizens of Earth. (edit) Sim: You said to me once that commanding a starship is what you were meant to do. I guess this is what I was meant to do. Good luck, Captain.

All Similitude Quotes »
add » When towing the Enterprise out of the debris field, the shuttles have to generate an enormous amount of force before the ship even begins to move, as though they were towing a heavy object across land. In reality, as there is virtually no friction in space, even the slightest force applied to the ship would cause it to begin moving. To reach the desired speed they would simply have to keep the shuttles towing at a lower power for a longer period of time.

In fact, since the Enterprise's engines were only shut down and not reversed, the ship should never have stopped in the first place - it should have coasted straight through the field on its own.

Goof: Even if memories were genetic as Phlox claims they are (and, as stated before, they most certainly are not) other clones in the Star Trek universe, most notibly Picard's clone, Shinzon from Star Trek: Nemesis, do not retain memories of the person they were cloned from. (edit) There's a remarkable similarity between this episode - and in particular Sim and Archer's conversation - and the Voyager episode "Tuvix".

If Phlox can grow a clone of Trip to help save his life, why couldn't he do the same to save Archer in "Twilight" or any other time someone got/gets hurt. He could have even have used the Xindi DNA sample they have to create a living Xindi to study which would help on their mission, but he doesn't. (edit) In this episode you can see again Archer's boyhood remote control spaceship from "Broken Bow."

I did not mean to use so much from this episode, I normally write my onw notes on these shows.. but it is most likely one of the VERY best Enterprise episodes.

The clone of Trip was very likable.

And this episode reminded me very much of "Tuvix. "

It was sad at the end when Sim gave his brain tissue to save Trip, and then died. This episode was sad, and yet was damn good!

" Chosen Realm. "

Enterprise saves a Triannon crew, a race that worship the creators of the spheres in the Delphic Expanse. However, it was all a set up as D'Jamat and his followers seize control, threatening to destroy the ship unless Archer cooperates. D'Jamat wants to destroy those opposed to his beliefs and orders the ship to the Triannon homeworld. D'Jamat is also not happy after learning Enterprise has explored the spheres before and tells Archer one of the crew must die as punishment.

Archer: These people you're fighting, what makes them heretics?
Yarrick: We believe the Makers created the Chosen Realm in nine days. They believe it took ten.
Archer: For that you've been at war for over a century?

The terrorists that take over Enterprise have the ability to blow themsleves up and do a lot of damage. Sound familar? Can you say " Muslim Extremists? "

One of them blows up and kills a crewman, and damages Enterprise.

A way is found to nuetralize the enzyme that allows the people to do this :

Archer: We've also neutralized your organic explosives.
D'Jamat: You're lying!
Archer: Go ahead. Try to blow yourself up. I'll wait.

Archer chooses to be the one who must die, but T'Pol only transports him elsewhere in the ship. Wow, these alien terrorists are dumb!

This episode was great!

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.