
notwedge said:
Kirstin Dunst is on TNG right now. She's like 8 years old.

That episode is called "Dark Page", NotWedge.

Lwaxana Troi collapses with a repressed memory related illness. Her only chance for survival is if Deanna can probe her subconscious and find out what is killing her. However, the secret Lwaxana holds is deeper than Deanna imagined.

Members of a race of telepathic aliens are on Enterprise.

One of them helps Deanna to enter her mother's mind.

There, she discovers that she once had an older sister, who had drowned while the Troi family was on a picnic.

This memory has been hurting Lwaxana until she collapsed.

Deanna tells her mother she must let go of her daughter.
Not mourn her death, but celebrate her life.

Lwaxana hugs her deceased daughter's image and tell her goodbye.

Lwaxana and Deanna hold hands, and then awaken back in sickbay.

This is a fantastic episode. Anyone who has lost someone special can relate to this. If you have not lost someone, then all you need is a heart to relate to it.

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.