
Tom and B'Elanna are overjoyed to learn that they are going to have a baby. However, after learning that the child will have dominant Klingon features, B'Elanna begins to experience upsetting flashbacks of her own difficult childhood.

I had taped this episode on Thursday. I was out looking for a new dryer and did not see it. I watched it last night.

It was very good.

B'Elanna had the Doctor show her a hologram of what the baby would look like at birth, extrapolating it's appearance based on it's present development.

She was not at all happy to see that it would have the same pronounced forehead ridges that she had.

She had been made fun of badly as a child because she was part Klingon, by kids at school and her own cousins.

She did not want her daughter to have to endure the same humiliations she did.

She asks the Doctor to delete some sequences from her dna in order to eliminate her Klingon features and even any Klingon behavior in the unborn child.

He refuses.

Tom gets upset with her and sleeps on Harry's couch.

They meet the next morning and niether will budge on this issue.

B'Elanna reprograms the Doctor to believe that resequencing the dna is for the baby's survival.

Tom and others are able to remove the force field B'Elanna had erected around the surgical bay in time to stop it.

Tom and B'Elanna talk and she tells Tom that she blames herself for her father leaving home because she told him to, and he did so 12 days later.

Tom reassures her that, tells her he won't leave her, and, unlike her father, he can handle a 2, 3, or even 4 Klingon household.

I like this episode a lot. It was sensitive and done very well.