Friendship One

With regular communications to the Alpha Quadrant established, Starfleet sends a mission to Voyager: retrieve a 21st Century probe sent from Earth called 'Friendship One'.

Once the probe is located on a nearby planet the away team is shocked to learn of the impact it has made.

Yeah, the probe made the planet radioactive. It left the inhabitants full of anti matter radiation, and most babies died at birth because of this.

A crew member - Carey - an engineer - is killed by a deranged leader.

Janeway is pissed and realizes she must use force; otherwise, it will take a few years to evacuate the planet, as the leader has demanded, and he MIGHT return the hostages , Neelix and Tom Paris.

She sends a team in the Delta Flyer to rescue the two.
They are successful. Tom saves a woman's new born from dying and promises to bring him back to her once he's made sure he'll be ok with facilities on Voyager.

A scientist who was captured in the Flyer figures out a way to remove the planet's radiation and save the people.

It was pretty good.

Natural Law

A strange energy barrier causes Chakotay and Seven's shuttle to crash on a planet inhabited by extremely primitive aliens.

The primitives are friendly and help Chakotay and Seven to find their badly damaged shuttle and use parts of it to eliminate the barrier ( Temporarily ) so that they may contact Voyager.

A more advanced race wants to bring the primitives into their state of advancement, but Janeway figures out a way to put the barrier back up.

This was a great metaphor for how, here on Earth, more modern cultures have destroyed a primitive one with their "help."

A good Episode.

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.