
Lwaxana pays a surprise visit to the Enterprise and announces the pre-arranged marriage of Deanna to the son of her late husband's best friend.

Arranged marriages are stupid. It was a good episode, though. It's the first time we meet Loxwana Troi, played by Majel Barrett.

The Big Goodbye

Picard, Dr. Crusher, and Data are placed in great danger when the holodeck malfunctions while they are running a Dixon Hill private detective program, which pits them against 1940s mobsters.

This one is good! It's the first Holo - deck driven episode,
not counting the little bit of time spent in there during Farpoint.

The dectective who interrogates Picard is the voice of McGruff, the crime dog.

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.