The Enterprise rendezvous with Starbase 74 in order to have its systems checked and upgrades made. While the crew takes some time off, four members from the species known as the Bynar work feverishly on the ship's computer system.

Riker visits the newly upgraded holodeck and meets Minuet, a hologram who seems to be everything he would want in a woman, unaware that she was constructed by the Bynars to keep him in the holodeck while the rest of the crew ( except Picard, who also visits
the holodeck ) is evacuated due to a fake warp core breach.

The two realize that something is amiss when Minuet is adamant about them staying in the holodeck. They leave
to find that :

They are the only 2 left on board, save for the Bynars, who are slumped over unconscious in the bridge.

The ship is at high warp and headed for the Bynar's homeworld.

They ( Riker and Picard ) abort a self destruct sequence after they realize the takeover was not hostile.

They find a message in the bridge that helps them to save the Bynar's homeworld, after an eruption on their planet's sun renders their computer run society inert.

They program the Enterprises' computer to send a signal
that reactivates their planet's computers.

The Bynars are saved and submit themselves for disciplinary action from the Federation for taking the ship without permission.

This is a pretty good first season ep!

Too Short a Season

The aging and terminally ill Starfleet Admiral Mark Jameson, who is negotiating the release of hostages, suddenly begins growing younger through an unexplained phenomenon.

This one does nothing for me.

Sad that the Admiral got young and then died from the strain, though.

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.