Kir'Shara (3)

Archer, T'Pol, and T'Pau attempt to take a sacred, but controversial artifact back to the Vulcan High Council, in hopes of settling an internal struggle going on among the Vulcan people. Meanwhile, Trip and Soval take Enterprise to Andoria to convince Shran to help them stop a war.

Part 3 of the Vulcan episodes. It was excellent!

The crap that happened in the first two is resolved; the traitor who blew up that building was the laeder of the high command.

From this point on, there is less interference from the Vulcans - and we learn just why they futzed around and controlled things on Earth so much.

It was their corrupt leadership.

I enjoyed the scenes on Vulcan.

The inventor of the current transporter system claims he has found a way to transport people over great distances, possibly even making star ships obsolete. The Dr. and the Enterprise set out to verify the claim in a remote part of the star system. But the Dr. has other plans for Enterprise's transporter system.

Yeah, what Dr. Emory Erickson, ( Played brilliantly by black character actor, Bill Cobbs. ) inventor of the current transporter system has not told anyone is that his own son, Quinn got trapped in one of his experiments some 15 years ago, and is in a section of space where there are no stars for many light years.

Quinn reappears on Enterprise and accidentally kills a crewman. Later, he destroys a bulkhead on Enterprise.

Dr. Emory Erickson finally tells Archer that this mission is really about saving his son. He is able to catch his son in a confinement beam on the transporter pad, but the signal degrades - his son materializes, finally, and dies moments later.

Dr. Erickson explains that he was fairly certain the experiment would not work from the beginning, but said himself : Where do you go after you've already invented one of the world's most important inventions?

The first time on Star Trek that the inventor of the transporter has been mentioned.

This is a really good episode.

The Observer Effect

Trip and Hoshi return from an away mission having contracted a deadly virus. While Phlox works on a cure, two non-corporeal aliens possess members of the crew to study humanity and the humans' reactions to the unexpected.

The two non corporeals are from the planet Organia, a planet whose occupants long abandoned their physical bodies.

These poeple and their planet were mentioned in the TOS episode called " Treaty Of Organia."

It was very good! I like the tie - in with TOS.
Babel One (1)

Enterprise is escorting a Tellarite delegation to a peace conference with the Andorians when they respond to a distress call from Shran whose ship has been destroyed, apparently by Tellarites. When Enterprise is then mysteriously attacked by what seems to be an Andorian ship, Archer realizes that someone is out to prevent peace between the two feuding species.

The Tellarites are those obnoxious pig - like dudes from the TOS episode called " Journey To Babel."

We learn that it is the Romulans who are seeking to cause war.

VERY good episode!

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.