Firstborn was on tonite. It's the episode where Alexander's future self from 40 years in the future. ) travels back to meet Worf and Alexander.

He wants Alexander ( the child ) to go to a Klingon school
and become a warrior.

Later, as future Alexander realizes his child self just doesn't want to become a warrior, he pulls a gun on the kid while he is sleeping and Worf arrives just in time to stop Future Alexander from killing kid Alexander.

Future Alexander tells Worf that he is from the future and proves he is Alexander by telling Worf about the day Ke'h'Lar was killed.

Alexander tell Worf that he will be killed on the steps of the Klingon senate building.

Worf tells him that, now that he has told him of this, everything might be different, though Alexander has not changed, this encounter with his son from the future has changed Worf.

Future Alexander goes back to the future.

Pretty good episode.

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.