
When Ensign Lon Suder kills a crewmate, Tuvok performs a mind meld to help repress Suder's violent tendencies. However, soon after, Tuvok begins showing violent tendencies himself.

The Doctor finds a way to help Tuvok. This is a great episode!

Lon Suder is played by Brad Dourif, a character actor well-known for playing intense and usually twisted or downright deranged roles. He has played a serial killer in episodes of Babylon 5 and The X-Files.

On the big screen, he is noted for playing Grima Wormtongue in the Lord Of The Rings trilogy, evil mentat Piter de Vries in Dune and the murderous doll Chucky (and his human counterpart, Charles Lee Ray) in the Child's Play series of movies. His acting trademarks are his intense stare and habit of punctuating his speech with gestures.

Additionally, he played the villain Saavedro in the video game Myst III: Exile.

Early in the episode, Tuvok and the Doctor engage in a dialogue during which the Doctor repeatedly challenges Tuvok's need to understand Suder's motive (and implicitly expresses a mild disdain for the signature stoic logic of Vulcan culture). This exchange, with the contrast between the Doctor's glib condescension and Tuvok's cool Vulcan reserve, is reminiscent of the legendary verbal duels between Dr. McCoy and Spock.

The Doctor: " All of us have violent instincts, we have evolved from predators. Well, not me of course, I've just been programmed by you predators. "


Voyager encounters a Cardassian missile ship, which Torres re-programmed while working for the Maquis. Now, B'Elanna must outsmart her own programming to disarm Dreadnought, before it destroys a planet and kills millions of innocent people.

Another great one!

B'Elanna has to deactivate the ship - bomb before it reaches the planet.

She does so.

As a last-ditch effort, Janeway orders her crew to abandon ship; she plans to use Voyager to ram the missile and detonate the warhead before it hits Rakosa.

Not a moment too soon, Torres manages to initiate an old Cardassian program in Dreadnought's systems. The two programs immediately begin to "quarrel" about the missile's target, distracting it from her attempts to breach Dreadnought's containment field and detonate the warhead. When Voyager's sensors convey Torres' success, Tuvok beams Torres back to the starship just as Dreadnought explodes.

Janeway cancels the auto - destruct order with only one minute to go.

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.