
The Time Trust said:
Twenty Basic Plots
Ronald B. Tobias's list of 20 fundamental plots that recur through all fiction, for writers to adapt and elaborate in their own fiction. Provided by the Tennessee Screenwriting Association.

Tobias's book is great. He has another one Theme and Strategy that is a very helpful book.

I'm not sure if it's been listed or not, but Shrunk and White's Elements of Style belongs on your bookcase. I'm ashamed I haven't memorized it cover to cover.

Really, all the Writer's Digest books are great. In addition to Tobias's books, I recomment Orson Scott Card's Plot.

In addition, I have a whole bunch of English Literature books that are probably 30 years old (I took them off relatives that dropped out of college and never wanted to see those books again). Since I was a science major and never really had a chance to read 'the classics', I keep those on hand. And of course, a nice heavy hardback of the Bard's complete collection. To me, you have to have an appriciate of the classics to be a good writer.

"You're either lying or stupid."
"I'm stupid! I'm stupid!"
Megatron and Starscream