
big_pimp_tim said:
well last year less so than this year, but then who would you suggest.

LeBron would have received my vote, but there are so many others that were more deserving. Dirk, Kobe, Wade, and Brand being the most obvious examples. Then, to a lesser extent, Arenas, Billups, and even guys on losing teams like Garnett, Iverson and Pierce. They were all better than Nash this year, and the first four by a large enough margin to render the typical "it's most valuable, not best" response moot.

Actually, much like last year with Amare Stoudemire, Steve Nash wasn't even the best player on his own team. Shawn Marion was.

Not to dis on Steve, though. It's not his fault. He had a great year and he's a great player.

MisterJLA is RACKing awesome.