
Marion has been a terrific player for years(much better than "just good"), long before Nash returned to Phoenix.

This argument is one very similar to the one used against Amare Stoudemire last year. Most seem to accept that Steve Nash makes these guys great, without really considering that, perhaps, these guys also make him great.

he has been a good player. but even last year while cinsidered an important player, without amre(who is a great player, just matured when nash got there. would have happened, just not as fast) and joe and nash, again, marion would be on a sinking ship. nash is the key to the team, he is the one that makes them all better, as well as the best player on the team. for all his stats, you have again, nash to thank. though the d, is all marion, nash's offense capabilities open up marion for easy buckets, nash's passes, and drives, pick n rolls, all that boils down to a point gaurd that creates. say what you want, but it will fall on deaf ears. a point gaurd creates, and the best point guard will create the most opportunitys, as nash as done, and marion, to his credit, has taken full advantage as he should.


How do you figure that? Avery inherited the second winningest franchise of the past half-decade, a team that won 60 games in 2003 and made it to the conference finals that year.

Even if the change in coaching philosophy did help the team tremendously, how does that hurt Dirk?

2nd? behind san antonio and detroit? how does it hurt dirk is in the fact that in an offense only team, he was a star, no one played to sides of the court. now dirk, while brilliant on offense has shown what he lacks on d. they as a whole have come a long way, but he is not near as dominant on both sides the court as most mvp canidates.


Well...LeBron accounted for a larger percentage of the team's offense, has a giant advantage in terms of PER, player wins and win shares, was statistically the most versatile player in the NBA, and outplayed Nash when the two went head to head. In other words, LeBron was more effecient and more productive.

Let's put it this way: even if you believe what no metric in the universe supports -that Nash was as good on a per minute basis as LeBron James- LeBron played more than half a quarter per game(7 minutes) than Nash. He was on the court 20% more!

having a better year doesn't equate to mvp as we both know. and again, lebron is slowly dragging his team along while nash took his team on a team that was significantly less powered than the year before right back to where they were last year. aegu for marion, but he was not as good as joe, or amare were last year, without them he has shined, but as creator, and leader, nash gets the credit.


How can Nash have done the most for his team if he wasn't even the best player on it?

who was? marion? your still beating that dead horse, no way is marion the better player. nash creates, nash opens up, nash is the one behind and in control of most of phoenix's plays and success. sure, he may not score the most, but who is the one passin the rock for that sweet jumper? who is the one setting up pick n rolls, no looks, and the like? marion? no, you can replace marion with any of a dozen of players and get the same result, but the same could not be said for nash.


Expected by whom?

who didn't? who didn't expect essentialy the same exact team but with a more defensive minded coach to do better. i never said better than san antonio, or detroit, but they were on their heels until the very end of the year. including i think 2 of 4 with sa, and 1 of 2 with detroit. they made their case as a better team, and as we know, playoffs are won with defense. they are expected to have their best chance at the spurs this year. why? because they showed a better team this year all season long.


"Biggest surprise" doesn't equate "most valuable". It's pretty ridiculous to argue that, because LeBron didn't exceed expectations, he's less valuable than someone who did. He was expected to be MVP-caliber, and he was. Shouldn't that be a point of merit, rather than a point of detraction?

actually, you should know suprise means a lot in the voters minds. you take last year mvp + did just as much with less team = excellent candidate to repeat.