Some damn good basketball going on in with the Cavs/Wizards and Suns/Lakers. I'm not in favor of stretching the playoffs out the way Stern has, but it clearly has added excitement in this case. I can't wait to see what LeBron and Gilbert are going to do tonight.

Kobe Bryant had one of the most bizarre postgame comments last night after the loss to the Suns(which, along with the game four stunner, was probably one of the best games I've seen all year). I wish I could find it, but it doesn't seem to be up yet. Essentially, he made an analogy comparing moving on after a loss to a bowel movement. Something about not checking out your dump after you've taken a shit. Seriously. It was as if Kobe was briefly possessed by PJP.

That, along with his "octagon" reference during the verbal bout with Raja Bell has me wondering if KB hasn't gone a little crazy. Or maybe a lot crazy.

MisterJLA is RACKing awesome.