Glen Larson had a good concept when he started Knight Rider that I'd like to keep. It's a modern western with a little sci-fi edge. Michael Knight is the wandering cowboy who helps the common folk rise above thier dispair. There was also a theme of the Foundation for Law and Government going after those too powerful to be handled by regular law enforcement. Considering the current political climate, I think going after crooked businessmen and government officials is just as likely to resonate with an audience as it did twenty years ago. Just as the cowboys of old protected the small farmers and ranchers from the cattle barons and railroad tycoons.

  • Michael Long: The loner detective who is betrayed, shot, and left for dead. I cast Ben Affleck for no other reason than I want to see him get shot in the face.

  • Michael Knight: Rescued from death and surgically altered, Michael Knight rises up to hunt down those who tried to kill him as well as become the centerpiece to continue Wilton Knight's crusade for justice. Though I wasn't a big fan of the Punisher film, I do think Thomas Jane has the right stuff to be Michael Knight. He kind of comes off as a Christopher Lambert with acting ability.

  • Devon Miles: The man who had joined his best friend and mentor's crusade is now in charge of keeping the dream alive. Bill Duke has that presence that I'd want for an updated Devon. He's been cast in roles the past few years that allow him to be presented as both intimidating and dignified. That's how I think Devon should be. He's all smiles and handshakes; but when you try to pressure him, he's not going to take your shit. He's in control. He has his finger on the pulse of F.L.A.G. and Knight Industries. He's the king who puts his knight into play.

  • Wilton Knight: On his death bed, Wilton Knight taps Michael Long to become the one to carry on his dream for justice and law for all of it's citizens by taking on the powerful and corrupt. Paul Newman being Wilton Knight will be one old cowboy passing the torch to the new generation.

  • Bonnie Barstow: As I said, the female "Q". Dina Meyer has the tomboy attitude with the hotchick look.

  • Tanya Walker: The woman who stole Michael Long's heart, and then tried to take his life. Cate Blanchett is seductive and cunning enough to be the mastermind of a band of criminals who are used to living the high life and willing to do whatever it takes to stay on top.

  • K.I.T.T. (voice) Okay, who here can sound as technical as a machine, yet still show some compassion as well as ego? Leonard Nimoy, bitch! That's who! The logical one who keeps Michael in check, analyzes all the imperical data, as well as has enough sentience to feel neglect and be a little full of himself.

    And every knight needs his steed. Since Michael Knight isn't James Bond, he needs and American automobile. I chose the Ford GT:

whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules.
It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness.
This is true both in politics and on the internet."

Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."