Norton and Welling as Garthe and KARR is fucking inspired!

I had forgot about those lamoids...

I picked Browder because, after having seen SG1, and currently introducing myself to Farscape, he plays the 'common man cowboy' so very, very well. He can go serious, or funny, in the span of seconds. And let's face it....Michael Knight is a character that shouldn't take himself too seriously. He's got talking car, for fucks sake.

I picked Don Warrington because of his voice ('Rassilon' from Zagreus). That and he's old Devon.

"Devon". That's such a cool name.

Anyway, I also dig Dina Meyers. She's hottness! But, after Starship Troopers, I have less love for her acting. Plus, I just want Amanda Peet to get nekkid again.

I love Nimoy. However, for me, I hear him and I automatically hear "Spock". No more, no less. Sad, I know. I chose Ewan McGregor because of his momma's-boy-voice, and I know he and Browder could play very easily off of each other.

As for the car, I know little to nothing about car types, and their specs. I just chose the McLaren cause it's pretty, and, because I know it'll haul ass...