Pitbull vs. MWO
Charlie vs. The General

Charlie plowed through the General in record time, showing his trademark ferocity as he racked up a win against another MWO member. After the match, Charlie took the mic and proclaimed that while his best of seven series against Spamm would begin at Convolution, there was still another member of the MWO that needed to walk the pitbull line, and that he wanted to face Syxxty-Nine next week!

Backstage, GM thedoctor informed the SDC that since Killconey would be involved in the Y Division match at Convolution, that Sammitch and Chewy would have to find another partner. Sammitch and Chewy appeared concerned, but Killconey seemed to have an idea.

Tag Match
The Otaku vs the Rebel Express

Hiro and Big Fat Osaka Elvis pulled off a win against their more experienced opponents without any interference from any of the other members of the Otaku. BFOE hit Big T in the corner with an Abeno Bash and held him back as Hiro hit James Fantastic with the Deathscythe to get the pin. It was after the win that the other members of the Otaku got involved. EWJ hit AJR from behind with a chair and then entered the ring. He then handed the chair to Hiro and directed his over to where BFOE was continuing to work on Big T. As EWJ made sure James Fantastic couldn't come to his partner's aid, Big T was taken down by repeated chair shots and then Hiro put Big T's arm in the chair. BFOE delivered the final blow, jumping off the second rope and landing on the chair feet first, breaking Big T's arm.

Bastardo: Big T should have taken the offer! Maybe Nuriko will be smarter.

Monroe: We'll find out next!

Hotties Match
Ramada vs. Nuriko

Both RDCW Hotties displayed impressive martial arts skills and Ramada delighted the crowd with one of her trademark "Jiggle Counters". The Other members of the Otaku entered the ring after Ramada won. EWJ handed Ramada a small black bag while Hiro and BFOE made sure Nuriko's fellow Outcasts couldn't stop EWJ and Ramada from doing what they had planned for Nuriko.

Ramada reached into the bag and pulled out hair clippers and proceeded to shave Nuriko bald! The Otaku then left and the Outcasts entered the ring to try to comfort the obviously distraught Nuriko.

Bastardo: The Otaku may not have gained any new members tonight, but they've certainly sent a message!

In the SDC locker room, Sammitch and Chewy conferred with Sweet Marlene, while awaiting to hear Killconey's apparent plan. Marlene reassured Sammitch and Chewy that things were well in hand.

Before the next bout, a large cake was wheeled out to ringside. . .

I make stars, baby!