Triple Threat Tag
Outcasts vs. Otaku vs. Big Pimp Tim & Amuck

All three teams hit the ring and began brawling immediately as the action spilled out across the arena. As Oakley and BFOE fought in the ring, Grimm slid under the bottom rope and nailed Oakley with a chair shot! EWJ then appeared out of the crowd and hit Amuck with a chair as well! As Grimm, EWJ, and the Otaku continued beating down on both of the other teams, Lothar rang the bell and declared the match a no contest! Eventually, security cleared all the wrestlers out of the arena.

IC Title
Captain Sammitch (C) vs. Captain Howdy

Captain Sammitch came to the ring ready to defend his title. Howdy was already in the ring, along with a very sick looking MisterJLA

JLA: I can't believe I ate that whole sandwich. . .


Sammitch handed Lothar the belt and the match started with a lockup, but as Sammitch's technical prowess flustered the veteran brawler, Howdy signalled to the back as Joe Mama and the remaining members of the Four hit the ring and began working over Sammitch!

Chewy and KC, er, Dr. Tran, hit the ring as well, but the numbers game proved too much for them as the Four took them down as well! Joe Mama then took the house mic and called for thedoctor to reveal the SDC's mystery partner, as he would have no one to team with since the Four just took out the SDC!

"War Pigs" cued up as thedoctor hit the rampway, with a wicked grin on his face.

Doc: You want to know who the mystery partner is?

JM: Yes, I do.

Doc: (to the crowd) Do you people want to know who the SDC's partner is?


Doc: Well, I'll tell you. I've thought long and hard about this one here tonight. The SDC's partner is someone who has a history with them. A former World Champ. A former Tag Team Champ. . .

JM: It's Snarf, isn't it? I knew it! We've got this in the bag!

Doc: It's not Snarf. Snarf is not currently under contract to the RDCW. He was, however, at one time one of the most popular stars here in the RDCW. . .

JM: It's PenWing! PenWing's making his big comeback at Convolution, isn't he? I knew it! We're prepared for that also!

Doc: No, Joe, it's not PenWing. PenWing is still on the injured list. We don't know when, or if, he'll return.

JM: So, who is it, then? You're running out of people to name off.

Doc: The SDC's mystery partner at Convolution is none other than. . .

JOE MAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Monroe & Bastardo: What??!!!

Doc: That's right, at Convolution it will be MisterJLA, Captain Howdy, and Doc. Mid-Nite vs. Captain Sammitch, Chewy Walrus, and Joe Mama! And Joe, if you or any other member of the Four attempt to throw this match, you will be fired on the spot!



Doc: And just to keep things interesting, I've decided that everyone involved in this match should have something at stake, not just the champions. So, if Chewy Walrus is pinned or submits, he will have to be MisterJLA's servant for a month! If Doc. Mid-Nite is pinned or submits, he will have to have his head shaved in the middle of the ring! And if you, Joe Mama, are pinned or submit, you must forfeit any and all challenges to any titles for any member of the Four for six months! Now that sounds like pay per view, RDCW style to me! Good night, folks!

"War Pigs" plays again as thedoctor leaves as the cameras focus on JM and the Four fuming in the ring. Fadeout.

I make stars, baby!