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I sent Pro this series of questions some time ago and sat on them because I thought his answers were uncouth and grubby.

Actually I sat on them because I'm lazy and perennially distracted. But let that not taint your prediction on the quality of the questions, dear reader, and more importantly, the thoughtful, intriguing and infrequently amusing answers set out herewith.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you...



1. Why the handle "Prometheus X"? Is this Grant Morrison inspired, or do you enjoy being chained up and damaging your liver?

Ha! Haven't used the "X" piece in awhile now. It more or less started as a joke. When I first checked out the DC Boards back around '98/'99, there were all these absurd usernames. "Mega-Flash5000" or "Mr. Terrific Ragnorak" or some bullshit like that. At the time, Grant Morrison was just introducing a villian in JLA called 'Prometheus'. I was always fascinated by the actual mythology behind that name...the tragic character that sacrificed everything to bring 'fire' to humanity. Alot to read into there. But, I digress. The name "Prometheus X" was a stab at any 'ultimate super character' and at all the fanboy monikers being bandied about. Once I stumbled into the online writing group that currently make up the 'Writer's Block' forum, and created a fictional character by the same name (as was the rule of writing at the time), the name stuck. Once I came to Rob's, I dropped the "X" off the end, and have been known as Prometheus (or "Pro") ever since. Thanks for asking.


2. What is the significance of the current avatar? You change them every now and again: for a while you had Robbie Williams smoking, but this looks like a friendly Spider Jerusalem.

Well, it may be no real secret that my worst personal habit is that I smoke cigarettes. I have issues with it, and I've quit a few times. Anyway, I chose the Robbie Williams one originally just because it was the only one besides Norm McDonald that had someone smoking. Then, the one I used the longest was a Photoshopped shot of 'John Constantine' by Alex Ross. He, too, was smoking. After that, I decided to throw out the smoking motif, and went with a super-nice shot of Christopher Eccleston as 'The Doctor' from DOCTOR WHO. I finally found the current one I have, which is the character 'King Mob' from Grant Morrison's THE INVISIBLES. Art by Phil Jimmenez. Why did I choose it? One thing, it best summed up the "character" Prometheus (the one I had been writing with the online group for so long). And two, it's fucking nice art. Clean. No inking. No color. Just pure pencil-to-paper. I think that sums it up nicely. Thanks for asking.


3. You went through Hurricane Katrina, and had to hike a significant distance to safety. What did that event tell you about yourself, and what sort of feelings did you experience during the entire event?

Hmmm....mixed feelings on this one. On one hand, it was something of a terrifying experience that shook me up to the point I am able to appreciate the day-to-day minutia that everyone takes for granted. On the other hand, it's something I keep buried down pretty deep, in that my job is to head into devastated, natural disaster areas. When I do that, we're taught not to accept anything we see or hear in the personal sense. I couldn't do my job very effectively if I allowed the seventy-year-old man bawling like a baby because the dream home he had worked for his entire life is now nothing but a pile of shredded lumber covering his wife's body, to affect me in an emotional capacity.

What was it like? It was like the strongest, fiercest storm you've ever been in......multiplied by seventeen........for four hours straight. I'm not talking the wind picks up and down. I mean, the peak a constant. My walls were shaking, my doors were vibrating, and water was streaming down through my fucking ceiling fan. The breezeway outside was, literally, peeling away piece by piece. And everytime I winced from the sound of gunshots, I had to realize that it wasn't a gun, but another tree being ripped in half and tossed on top of one of the
neighborhood homes. I centered myself during the storm by concentrating on a cell phone tower I could see far out in the distance. Once the five-story support cables on that bitch started ripping out and flailing in the torrent, I found that sitting on my kitchen floor, in the dark, and drinking wine straight from the bottle would have to take its place.

Fear. Awe. And, essentially, more fear. That's what I experienced during the event.

It was the following five days afterwards that told me anything about myself. Luckily, I wasn't alone. My neighbor and former roommate (Cross, from these boards) was around. With no power, water, gasoline, or, clear roads, we were pretty much stuck in place. Thank God for rednecks, you know? Let me tell you what the aftermath of a hurricane sounds like in Mississippi: It's dead silence, mixed with pools of running water, mixed with the haphazard growl of chainsaws and four-wheelers in the distance. There were no roads after the storm. But,
that didn't stop the good-old-boys. They made some fucking roads for people. But, I digress. Cross and I got the charcoal grill out of a downstairs neighbor's balconey closet (certain he wouldn't mind) and used it to cook every single piece of edible food in our fridge and freezer. Let me tell you, there's nothing like waking up in the morning to 80 degree humidity in the bedroom, and a room-temp, season-less chicken sandwich that's been sitting in your microwave for two days. My mouth's watering just thinking about it. Insert more sarcasm here.

What this event told me was how prepared I am to survive without the everyday ammenties. It also reminded me...with a cold, hard gut-punch...that nothing is sacred, or eternal when it comes to mother nature. I had no idea what happened to my friends, my parents, and no way of letting my fiance know I was alive....for a week. That was the worst part, overall. Physical things...material things...these are worthless. These mean nothing. Take time to step back and realize that your loved ones are the most important. Your everyday life, your routines....meaningless. Kiss that other on the cheek every morning, and mean it. There may come a day when you can't. And there will be nothing left for you but regret.

Thanks for never asking me this question again...


4. Describe the first love of your life.

Intimidating with her grace and presence. Flawless in her civility and sexual prowess. I mean, the real deal. When this lady flipped her hair, my vision would go 'Bullet-Time'. It was a relationship that lasted in an off-and-on casual-and-serious nature for over a decade. I know her better than anyone alive, and likewise she with me. It's the kind of love that was never seriously acknowledged with deep words of emotion, and will end only after one us stops breathing. The purest, most gracious kind of love that has allowed us to go our seperate ways, marry others, and steal guiltless smiles at Christmas gatherings. Thanks for asking.


5. Which Superfriend are you, and why?

Oh, Aquaman, no doubt. I mean, yeah, he's a damn gay joke from head to toe. But, it's all fun and games until the threat to Earth is over or in the ocean (which covers, oh...I don't know...a THIRD of our planet!). THEN, who's the fucking gay-boy, huh? Who ya' gonna call now, funnyman?? Yeah, that's right. The gimp in the orange, riding the seahorse. RECOGNIZE bitches!

Thanks for asking.


6. Describe what you wear most days. Does your fashion reflect your personality?

Eh, mostly casual wear. Khakis, short sleeves, Birkenstock sandals. Does it reflect my personality? Probably not. I don't know. You tell me. I wear what I wear because I live in one of the most humid spots in North America. Hot, hotter, hottest. And that's the winter time. I think if I had my way, and the amount of money to blow on it, I'd probably go with the kind of clothes that make me happy. I like the snappy stuff. Long sleeve button-ups, slacks, a pair of comfortable leather boots (nothing western or cowboy, thank you)...a nice waist coat. The kind of stuff you put on to go nice parties, or, a really groovy, modern church, or something. But, in this heat? I'll stick with the Birks, thanks....for asking.


7. Who is your ideal life partner, and why?

Well, by moral law, I must admit it should be the one I'm putting a ring on the finger with in August. In general, it has to be someone who is smarter than me. Wittier. Smoother. Someone who can banter nonsense with me for hours, and best me at every turn. Someone who can catch humor in the slyest, most subtle of phrases. Someone who is a lovely host at parties, a lady in civility, and a porno queen in bed. So, in full circle fashion, the one I'm marrying. Thanks for asking.


8. Marky Mark: whiteboy rap star, or Calvin Klein sell-out?

Okay, you're dipping into territories I have neither educated opinion, nor, any valued interest. Marky Mark became a pretty good actor, right? Wasn't he the one in BOOGIE NIGHTS? If that's the one I'm thinking about, then, yeah, he's cool. I mean, as long as he doesn't sing.I think I saw Calvin Klein in an episode of FRIENDS, or something. Old guy that designs clothes? Meh.

Thanks for asking.


9. Where have you travelled, and what did you think of it?

Well, besides various states in North America of no real consequence, I boated the canals in England for two weeks back in '04. Loved it.

Spent the entire time avoiding the major cities (city?) and stayed in the rural countryside. England is a lovely country. Everyone always complains that it rains all the time. True, it does. But, it's never a serious shower. It's always just this misty, relaxing haze of water that lasts around ten minutes, and glistens the foliage. Loved Wales (no matter what Nowhereman says). The Welsh are incredibly friendly, and welcoming. Spent alot of time just anchoring up near a pub, and sitting down with pints of real Guiness, just casually listening to what the
locals had to say. Such a fantastic, relaxing, lovely time. I would return in a minute.


10. What will the world be like in 20 years?

Well, if cultural cycles continue apace, a variation on the 90's grunge and cynicism will be active. Of course, I hope the environmental awareness will be just as greatly in effect again. And, if John Titor is correct, we'll be pulling ourselves out of a nuclear devastation. Heh.

Other than that, I'm certain all lawyers, and most of the Republicans will have been put up against the wall and shot by then.

Oh, I'm sorry...did I say that out loud?

Thank YOU for asking.


11. What do you want to be when you grow up?

A comic book writer. Yeah, I know...pipe-dream. But, still, I would love to be able to just play in those corporate sandboxes, even if its neutered for mass consumption. Just to see Superman say a few things I write....heh. Utter joy. Thanks for asking the next question.


12. Why comic books?

When I was four-years-old, my mother wanted to jump-start my reading skills. She knew Sesame Street would only go so far. And, she also knew that shoving normal childrens books under my nose would produce subpar results. She had watched me get all silly, kiddy excited when Superfriends came on Saturday mornings. Running around with the towel around my neck, ala' the Big S. Racing around making 'Flash' sounds. So, she got me a subscription to AMAZING SPIDER-MAN. Yeah, I know, she didn't know the diff between Marvel and DC.

And, back in that day, I didn't either. I...W-A-S...H-O-O-K-E-D.

From that point, it's alternated between serious hobby, to slight interest, to, professional desire. Any other explanantion would just be fanboy ramblings.

Thank you for asking.


13. When you die, will you wink out like a candle, or do you go to heaven to play poker with Elvis?

If there's a heaven, Elvis isn't there. I couldn't imagine how painfully torturous it ould be to have to spend eternity listening to that overrated fatboy. Anyway...

Yes, I have strong beliefs in an afterlife. Is it the Christian "heaven"? Maybe. Is it just the energy of our bodies and "souls" dissipating into the ether of the universe, rejoining a greater force than we sincerely understand? Perhaps. No idea, really. But, either way, the energy that makes us who we are is a pattern specific for each person. I find it hard to fathom that that pattern doesn't leave some type of lasting resonation on existence. But, hey...guess we'll see...

Danke' for inquiring.


14. Is love merely a biological device, is it the expression of the beauty of our souls, or is it the some combination of lust and affection?

Combination, I would say. Ten people can admire the beauty of a rose. The beauty will be appreciated by biological, neurological, and chemical reactions of the body. But, each one of those ten will have different interpretations on what that beauty is, and how it affects them.

That's really the best I can explain my view on it.


15. Who do you like at the RKMBs? Do you think we all have some obscure universal gravitional pull unique to lame-arsed jokes which binds us together like poop in a diaper and compels us to post here?

Who do I like? That's not a very short list. I like lots of the people here. In fact, I don't really dislike anyone. I have my momentary beefs with guys like Pariah, or, Wbam. But, those are always mostly in fun, and inconsequential. Let's see...

Nowhereman. Love this guy. His online persona is hilariously well-developed. A hard act to follow, for sure. But, I tell you, I would pay more than a pence to actually share a few pints with this Welsh cunt.

Chewy, a man of intellect, faith, and atrociously eternal patience. Many could learn alot from this man. A good, good guy. Someone I list as a genuine "friend".

Danny. Behind that sarcastic dry wit is a brain and a passion that few can match. And, behind that, more sarcastic wit. Gotta love him. Another "friend".

I always look forward to Ultimate Jaburg's randomly chaotic genius. It's like a supernova of adrenaline and silly. Sneaky is a crazy bitch I can get behind. At least twice in one night, I'm certain. You, David, are pretty much the resident genius. So, I am always in awe of your perceptions, opinions, and quick one-liners. And, I'll get you for it. I swear. Wednesday is a cool, bitter, funny, oft-centered wonder of all eight worlds. As well he should be. BSAMS likes to tell you he's a Message Board God. I rather like to think of him as that homeless man that
lives in the alley, dispensing invaluable wisdom. With the use of dirty diapers and Lebowski lines. PJP, MrJLA/Glacier....the heart and the soul of these boards. In that order. Couldn't live without them. Peter Pappas will be President one day. Just you wait. Jim Jackson has alot of brain, and alot of purpose. I could only love and respect him more if he would learn to smile more often. It's such a pretty smile, wouldn't you say? Shame to waste it. Grimm, thedoctor, and Cross are real life, in-person friends, so I won't bother mentioning them. They know how I feel. Dicks. JOE MAMA!!! I respect Joe out of sheer will. His legend is as massive as his......legend. Another I would love to have a few drinks with. However, we would need a translator to sort out his Bostonian and my southern accent. I would love to say I respect G-Man. But, his blind faith in his political affiliations mean that he's in league with the Anti-Christ. And, you know hey...I really have nothing but
pity for the poor, poor guy. Of course, I would change my opinion if he would just change his fucking avatar. Just once. Heh. Cowgirl Jack is a cool, smart, classy lady that, in my opinion, doesn't get the recognition she deserves. I mean, look at Sammitch's Random Interview. He doesn't even mention her. That's a shame, because, I think she has great assets to offer these boards. Two very full assets, in fact. Rob Kamphausen is, of course, a fountain of grand schemes and grander thinking. I love it when he actually interacts with the rest of us.

No list would be complete without the one gregarious intellect, wit, and sharp tongue that I envy the most. I realize he claims he's Not Mxy....but, to me, he always will be.

And these new guys....Killconey, Tim, Karla....they've brought a whole new life to these boards, and for that, I will spare their lives.

Killconey, you're a funny man. Even if you do live with Phil.

Finally....pick on him all you want. Make fun of him. Hell, half the time, he brings it on himself. But, Mr. Reax is a stand-out class act all his own. No one else....and I mean NO ONE...has ever taken the sheer mountain of abuse leveled at him, and still stuck around. I mean, shit, everyone else....Shazamgrrl, Jack Lil Death, Whomod, even Chris Oakley....they've all left for good, or, at least a time. Rex sticks with it. Some might say he has nowhere else to go. And I ask those people, do you? Well done, Rex. Sock-fetish or not, you're okay in my book. Of
course, the next time you act like a completer prat, I'm going to rip your soul out for making me regret typing all of this...

WHY DO WE COME HERE? I tell you, Dave....if I had the answer...I probably wouldn't come here anymore. More than likely, it's that in some small way, we are all socially or emotionally damaged enough to enjoy being around others of our ilk. We can smell our own, if you will. However, I feel certain once the Uni-Mind of Kamphausen completes the final phases of his AMAZING BRAIN MACHINE, our combined will shall usher in the next era of humanity.

It will last six minutes, be composed mainly of gay jokes, and, in the end, be rather disappointing. BE READY!

Thank you all for asking.


16. Do you play sport?

Unless chain smoking has recently been approved by the Olympic

Wait, does Poker count?

I played basketball in high school. But, interest waned afterwards.

Thank the soccer team for asking.


17. Jessica Alba once or Jessica Simpson twice?

Hmmm....fake and talentless, or, fake and plastic? Guess I'll take Alba....if those are my only two choices.

Thanks for not allowing me another choice.


18. What super power do you want more than any other?

Invulnerability. Not strength, or speed. Just a body impervious to any form of harm. Unbreakable! That would rule.

Thanks for asking.


19. Where do you live, anyway? What's it like?

Well, you're catching me in a neutral stage at the moment. Right now, I have an apartment in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. The contract I'm currently working on has taken me from Miami, FL all the way up to Pensacola, FL. And, I am currently typing this in a hotel room. When I get married in August, we'll have a place in Greenville, South Carolina. And, we're looking at possibly moving to Oxford, MS, or, Washington, DC after that. So, in answer.....all over the place...

What's it like? Hmmm. Tell you what. Go stand in a nice, open field, with no human or stores visible anywhere within the range of your eyesight. Now, imagine the field is the state of Mississippi.

Ah, I'm exaggerating. I grew up in MS, so, I have a sharp dislike for it. Not because of any stigma that goes with it (and there is, trust me).

But, because it's SO-FUCKING-BORING! It's like being trapped in that two hour window of quiet, Sunday reverance.....forever.

Thanks for reminding me.


And finally:

20. Chris Oakley?

No opinion. Never met the guy. Never had one of thise "famous" run-ins with him. Hell, don't know that we've ever even spoken. So, really, no harm, no foul. Heard he's a dork. But, hey, heard the same about me. And we know that's not true, right?




Thanks for listening.

Pimping my site, again.

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Fantastic interview, Pro. Seriously.

Though not too keen on all the lawyers being shot, and how you wouldn't want to play poker with Elvis is beyond me...

Dear, sweet Harley Kwink...I'm madly in love with you. Marry me! We can go to Canadia. Or Boston or something. It'll be grand...You know the cookies are a given. They are ALWAYS a given. You could dump me tomorrow and you'd still get the cookies. Boston..shit, wherever dyke weddings were legalized. And where better to rub their little piggie noses in how bad they suck than right on their doorstep? What are they gonna do? Be jealous of you? Stare furiously at your tah-tahs? Not willingly give you cookies, but instead begrudgingly give you their cookies? Woman, time to wake up to the powers you wield - Uschi

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No mention of Canada..........pure lies from start to finish!

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well done, pro y david. me rikey bedy much.

...though sneaky might have some harsh words...

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NotWedge said:
Nobody likes me.

When yer right, yer right!

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Rob Kamphausen said:
well done, pro y david. me rikey bedy much.

...though sneaky might have some harsh words...

why? cause of "crazy bitch"? i've pulled 20 some questions out of others asses not mine.

And, to be fair, one of my favorite friends there is blind and I take every opportunity available to make fun of that and we're still friends. That guy never fit there. He never got the spirit of the RKMBs. We're gonna keep an eye on the obits, see if he finally left or if he really did have a heart attack.
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Nowhereman said:

NotWedge said:
Nobody likes me.

When yer right, yer right!

Stop trying to make me feel better. It won't work.

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Thank you, Dave, for finally doing what Pro never got around to: actually conducting an interview.

This is a great day.

MisterJLA is RACKing awesome.
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Thanks Dave..good stuff Pro....

The Welsh are stalking you...

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In all seriousness: Pro's a good guy. We seem to share many of the same viewpoints on comics, movies, etc. I remember our very first conversation, four years ago, here. Compliments were given, sparks flew, Pro promised to mention me if he was ever interviewed.


MisterJLA is RACKing awesome.
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Terrific interview! Especially Pro's first hand account of Katrina...I can only imagine how terrible it must have been to live through that experience..I know others who lived in New Orleans ....they lost family, friends, pets...

I wasn't mentioned in the interview at all, though...

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death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.

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Awesome interview Pro! Thanks for the kind words!!! I feel the same way about you. You are a great guy and one of the reasons I come here to the RKMBs. Just one thing though......

You are no Aquaman.

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Promys said:
PJP, MrJLA/Glacier....the heart and the soul of these boards. In that order. Couldn't live without them

I know that feelin'


Intimidating with her grace and presence. Flawless in her civility and sexual prowess. I mean, the real deal. When this lady flipped her hair, my vision would go 'Bullet-Time'. It was a relationship that lasted in an off-and-on casual-and-serious nature for over a decade. I know her better than anyone alive, and likewise she with me. It's the kind of love that was never seriously acknowledged with deep words of emotion, and will end only after one us stops breathing. The purest, most gracious kind of love that has allowed us to go our seperate ways, marry others, and steal guiltless smiles at Christmas gatherings.

wow......freakin' poetic. Someone should write a novel!

Sweet interview Pros! I'm impresed with the time, effort, humor, and depth of your interview. Youre gonna make your fiance one lucky girl this August!

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Pro's marrying a girl?

"My friends have always been the best of me." -Doctor Who

"Well,whenever I'm confused,I just check my underwear. It holds most answers to life's questions." Abe Simpson

I can tell by the position of the sun in the sky, that is time for us to go. Until next time, I am Lothar of the Hill People!
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Nowhereman said:

damn, haven't seen that one in a while.

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I'm glad someone dusted off that old chestnut.

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Holy crap!! I had forgotten all about this. What, did you have to ferment it like wine, Dave?

Oh, and....umm...thanks peoples. Glad you enjoyed the rambling. I'm good at that.

Meanwhile, what the FUCK happened to Aquaman up there? Jeebus!! Someone call a doctor, or something...

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Fuck off!

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Animalman said:
In all seriousness: Pro's a good guy. We seem to share many of the same viewpoints on comics, movies, etc. I remember our very first conversation, four years ago, here. Compliments were given, sparks flew, Pro promised to mention me if he was ever interviewed.


Whoa! That's fucking cool. How the hell did you find that old thing?

Anyway, in quick response (cause I haven't got time to elucidate right now) :

If I forgot your name, it was inevitable to be. For one thing, this "interview" was done...hmm...months ago? And, second, I am not known for my sharp memory.

Jerry: You are, quite possibly, the nicest poster here. You are always warm, caring, and kind in each and every post. You are rarely negative, and always up for a laugh. I remain 2% wary of you, though, as I cannot fathom anyone being that sincerely great without being an Alt-Id of PJP's. But, either way "Ka-Plah!", my Klingon brother....

Harley: You misunderstood about the whole shooting-lawyers-thing. I meant all the male lawyers. Duh! Why on earth would I waste exceptionally intellectual, and hot-in-the-courtroom female lawyers? They must help rule the planet when I take over in 2042.

As for Elvis....sorry. He sucks.

Manimalman: There was a point to this story, but the author has momentarily forgotten it.

But, I've always considered you one of the top three smartest guys around here. It's well obvious your casual grey matter blows me out of the water, IQ-wise. Just so you know.

Who else did I "forget"?

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Damn. One hell of an interview. It's always nice to see the interviewer answer a few questions, anyway.
Seriously though, excellent work, to both Pro, our guest... er... guest... and Dave, the guest interviewer.

"Ah good. Now I'm on the internet clearly saying I like tranny cleavage. This shouldn't get me harassed at all."
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Since there were no pics of Pro:

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What the fuck?!

"Ah good. Now I'm on the internet clearly saying I like tranny cleavage. This shouldn't get me harassed at all."
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Prometheus said:
[Jerry: You are, quite possibly, the nicest poster here. You are always warm, caring, and kind in each and every post. You are rarely negative, and always up for a laugh. I remain 2% wary of you, though, as I cannot fathom anyone being that sincerely great without being an Alt-Id of PJP's. But, either way "Ka-Plah!", my Klingon brother....

Thank you, Pro. Ka - Plah!

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.

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Inglourious Basterd!!!
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Ultimate Jaburg53 said:
Since there were no pics of Pro:

Is that Johnny Rotten from his PiL days? Funky...

Uschi said:
I won't rape you, I'll just fuck you 'till it hurts and then not stop and you'll cry.

MisterJLA: RACKS so hard, he called Jim Rome "Chris Everett." In Him, all porn is possible. He is far above mentions in so-called "blogs." RACK him, lest ye be lost!

"I can't even brush my teeth without gagging!" - Tommy Tantillo: Wank & Cry, heckpuppy, and general laughingstock

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Joe Mama said:

Ultimate Jaburg53 said:
Since there were no pics of Pro:

Is that Johnny Rotten from his PiL days? Funky...

this is what you want. . .this is what you get. . .

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Prometheus said:

Harley: You misunderstood about the whole shooting-lawyers-thing. I meant all the male lawyers. Duh! Why on earth would I waste exceptionally intellectual, and hot-in-the-courtroom female lawyers? They must help rule the planet when I take over in 2042.

2042? Are you sure? The schedule I have says 2009! But hey, so long as my ass isn't in front of the firing squad its all good...


As for Elvis....sorry. He sucks.

Gah! Just when I thought you were cool and all...

Elvis was the king for a reason, baby...

Dear, sweet Harley Kwink...I'm madly in love with you. Marry me! We can go to Canadia. Or Boston or something. It'll be grand...You know the cookies are a given. They are ALWAYS a given. You could dump me tomorrow and you'd still get the cookies. Boston..shit, wherever dyke weddings were legalized. And where better to rub their little piggie noses in how bad they suck than right on their doorstep? What are they gonna do? Be jealous of you? Stare furiously at your tah-tahs? Not willingly give you cookies, but instead begrudgingly give you their cookies? Woman, time to wake up to the powers you wield - Uschi

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Prometheus said:
Who else did I "forget"?

I suppose turnabout is fair play...


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Pretty much the same but I took more time with it

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Pro - I was actually going to ask you questions about your answers. But yesterday I thought I should just finish it rather than ponder making it more complicated.

Pimping my site, again.

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Promys said:
Intimidating with her grace and presence. Flawless in her civility and sexual prowess. I mean, the real deal. When this lady flipped her hair, my vision would go 'Bullet-Time'. It was a relationship that lasted in an off-and-on casual-and-serious nature for over a decade. I know her better than anyone alive, and likewise she with me. It's the kind of love that was never seriously acknowledged with deep words of emotion, and will end only after one us stops breathing. The purest, most gracious kind of love that has allowed us to go our seperate ways, marry others, and steal guiltless smiles at Christmas gatherings.

I know that feelin'

Nice interview Dave and Oz, JLA approves!

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Prometheus said:
Whoa! That's fucking cool. How the hell did you find that old thing?

There has never been a Mark Millar conversation I cannot recall. He is my white whale.

MisterJLA is RACKing awesome.
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He even forgot me in the post about people he forgot.

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Ultimate Jaburg53 said:

Pretty much the same but I took more time with it

She has no toes!

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Timelord. Drunkard.
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You were looking at her toes?

whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules.
It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness.
This is true both in politics and on the internet."

Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."
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I cant fuck no bitch with no toes!

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I can!

MisterJLA is RACKing awesome.
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Not surprising seeing as you fucked Elisa!

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She has toes. They're just webbed.

MisterJLA is RACKing awesome.
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