
Carnyfoke said:

And the new White Queen probably isn't Adrianne Frost (Emma's older sister), as

1. Emma shot and killed her years ago
2. Adrianna wasn't a telepath, but had psychometry (psionic ability to tell of the history and future of a physical object by touching it).

I believe that this White Queen is a psychic manifestation created by Emma (as are Sebastian Shaw and Negasonic Teenage Warhead). They represent different facets of her personality and different stages in her life. Sebastian Shaw made Emma the White Queen, Negasonic was a student who died in her arms in Genosha, and Emma has always secretly missed the days of being the White Queen (probably the reason behind the name "Perfection").

She has a younger sister too. In Generation X she was a teenager and trying to get into the hellfire club. She 'dressed' even sluttier than Emma. I was assuming that the fake WQ was her. I don't remember her name tho.