Jetlagged from my 16 hour flight, I slept all day and now I'm very awake at 4 AM.

As has been reported, talks between Matsuzaka and Boston have stalled, and with the Thursday deadline approaching, it's looking more and more like the "$50 million cockblock" I mentioned earlier, though it's hardly a certainty yet.

Boras remains adamant his guy is woth $100 million. $150 million for a pitcher that hasn't thrown a single pitch in the MLB is well...erm, curious?

While I was away, the Red Sox signed J.D Drew for a lot of money. Probably a bit too much, but J.D Drew is a very good player, and while his injury record is the length of a Victor Hugo novel, he did establish a career high in games played last year, and the time he missed in '05 was from a wild pitch that broke his hand, not from a chronic problem. Objectively, it's a sound move I think, although personally I am ambivalent(I love J.D; I very much do not love the Red Sox).

MisterJLA is RACKing awesome.