
Beardguy57 said:
Those poor Muslims! How will they ever get to commit acts of terror if we keep thwarting them!?

"Airport profiling "???

It was not boy scouts, nor was it little old ladies, nor was it
college students who crashed the planes that day.

It was Muslim men.

It's like they're saying to us, " We want to destroy you all, why do you hurt us by resisting? "

(And yes, this graemlin is VERY appropriate!)

So does that mean that any time someone (or even many someones) from a certain race/ethnic group/religion/etc. commits a crime or act of terrorism, we should assume that every single member of that same race/ethnic group/religion/etc. wants to do the same?

That kind of paranoia and racism (and the convenience of generalizing) has led to and enabled the destruction of millions of people over time - including the same acts of terrorism that we need to prevent and protect ourselves from.

I believe in security also, but I believe in achieving that goal by finding a way of getting the people who are actually the bad guys instead of condemming innocent people who we only think are the bad guys only because of what God they pray to or what color their skin is, or any other example you can think of.

Beware the advice of successful people. They do not seek company.