
Wonder Boy said:

dogbert said:
This is the first time I've been made aware of Obama's middle name as being Hussein. He's constantly being referred to as "Barack Obama." I've yet to hear anyone call him "Barack Hussein Obama" until today. I don't think even the editorial G-man posted referred to him by that name.

Why, may I ask, did you choose to include it in the subject title, G-man?

None of us call John McCain "John Sidney McCain," or Nancy Pelosi as "Nancy Patricia D'Alesandro Pelosi." At least "Hillary Rodham Clinton" is commonly used.

[Your] use of Obama's middle name seems...strange, somehow.


I recall it was a Democrat who first made an issue of a candidate's middle name in a derisive fashion, Dukakis repeatedly referring to Bush Sr's running mate as "Jay Danforth Quayle".

And in the liberal media, constant glowing references to the 1992 candidate "William Jefferson Clinton".

Interesting how liberals bemoan the unfairness of using Obama's middle name, after first using Quayle's full name to mock him, and then conversely using Clinton's middle name to "build a bridge" to images of the founding fathers.

I don't recall the Danforth incident either. I can only go by what I personally recall.

Beware the advice of successful people. They do not seek company.