
dogbert said:

Wonder Boy said:

Matter-eater Man said:
Just a guess on my part but I doubt any of the posters here had anything personally to do with the examples you set forth Wonder Boy. If say Dogbert posted a thread titled "Jay Danforth Quayle" I could see it as being equitable. Since he didn't I don't see how it's fair holding him accountble to something somebody else did almost 20yrs ago.

It seems to me that G-Man's title for this discussion topic just repeats what has already been shown and widely discussed in the media, by both conservatives and liberals.

As the articles posted here by G-man and others reflect.

Again, the mocking of a candidate's name (Quayle), or exploiting a candidate's middle name when it taps into an image of the founding fathers (Clinton), is ground first tread on both counts by the Democrats.

In this light, liberals bashing use of Obama's full name appear quite hypocritical.

I'm not bashing anything. I'm asking G-man why he's making a big deal out of Obama's middle name.

The first time we spoke here, you told me you appreciated being able to have a rational discussion with me without someone distorting your words or accusing you of stuff.

Are you not going to grant me the same courtesy?

I fail to see any courtesy I've denied you.

I cited straightforward facts about use of a candidate's full name in past election campaigns, specifically Quayle and Clinton. The "Jay Danforth Quayle" thing came to a head when Bush Sr. confronted Dukakis about it during one of the 1988 Presidential debates. So I don't know how you could have missed it.

And in addition to talk in the media about Obama's middle name, and Democrat pundits whining about the unfairness of using Obama's middle name, I called you and other liberals here on RKMB on your "shame on you..." tactics to G-man, implying he did something wrong without plainly stating anything that he did wrong. (And in truth, he did nothing wrong, and neither have I.)

Mean what you say, and say what you mean, without all the coy innuendo, implying guilt without plainly stating your case.